
I am not from the GIS world and not even a QGIS user, so bear with me if my answers do not use the expected vocabulary.
It takes years to get fully familar with GIS oddities, and netCDF is an area where even a life long of experience will not be enough to fully overcome the "creativity" of the netCDF community...

From my point of view, my netCDF files describe their geolocation in a CF-compliant manner, with a grid_mapping CRS variable, and the x and y projection coordinate variables. But QGIS does not recognize the CRS, seemingly because I have my x and y as km (and I do specify :units="km", I am not hiding this).

Since I am also a programmer, I tried to find where in the QGIS code the netCDF/CF geolocation is read and decoded, to see if there was a strict test on :units="m". But I failed to find this in the code.

This is actually not really done in QGIS, but in PROJ (more exactly QGIS's QgsProjUtils::identifyCrs() delegates to PROJ's proj_identify() in to try to correlate the CRS definition from the netCDF file to one in the database).

As you likely open it as a raster (and not a mesh as Richard mentionned), the GDAL netCDF driver is also involved since it is it that reconstructs a CRS object from the attributes of the netCDF CF conventions.

From what I can tell, both PROJ and GDAL do the job "as expected". It is just that the way this CRS is encoded is not going to find any match with a known CRS.  To get what you want, the GDAL netCDF driver should both modify the CRS definition to change the km unit to m, and alter the geotransform matrix (which gives the coordinate of the top left corner and pixel size) to multiply their value by 1000. This could be done, but should it be done...? I'm not so sure. The issue is more than the "philosophy" of netCDF data producers is sometimes at odds with the usual CRS definitions.

That said, for that very particular case, there's a proj4_string attribute in Lambert_Azimuthal_Equal_Area variable, with value "+proj=laea +lat_0=90 +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs +type=crs", which indicates the intent to have a metre unit. There's also a global attribute geospatial_bounds_crs = "EPSG:6931" which further correlate this. Hence this enhancement to the GDAL netCDF driver to renormalize to metre:


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