Il 11/01/2024 16:53, Amal Kar ha scritto:
Dear Drs. Richard McDonnell and Andrea Giudiceandrea,

However, i now find a small difference between the batch processing through the"Wrap" tool and the processing of individual files.

When i convert the files individually, the files get converted from 32-bit to 16-bit automatically, without asking, but under the Batch Processing through Wrap the 32-bit data is retained.

Hi Amal,
the "Warp (Reproject)" processing algorithm allows you to set the output data type specifying it in the "Output data type" advanced parameter. Have you properly set it with the desired output data type? Please refer to the algorithm help page already linked to find info about all the algorithm parameters.

In your initial message in this thread, you wrote that the "Translate (Convert Format)" processing algorithm converts the raster layers accurately except for the output resolution which you didn't know how to set, thus I suppose that with such algorithm the output data type is correct. Have you set it or not in such algorithm? Have you tried to continue to use such algorithm and just add the -tr and -r additional parameters in the "Additional command-line parameters" algorithm parameter?

Best regards.

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