Garth Fletcher via QGIS-User <> writes:

> Just ran into same problem.
> I created 2 separate .qgz projects using QGIS 3.34.7 under Mac OSX 10.13.6
> I transferred the qgz files to a Windows installation of QGIS 3.34.7
> and only one would open.
> The other resulted in the "Unable to unzip file..." error message.
> Today I will go back to the site to see the same project saved as .qgs
> will open.
> My guess is some incompatibility in ZIP handling...

1) Use 'zip -t' on the mac and again (however you spell that) on windows.

2) use some sort of cryptographic checksum (sha1, or md5 is good enough)
on the file on both systems.   It is possible that the file is getting
munged in transfer, especially if a windows system or SMB is involved ;-)
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