> Micha Silver wrote:
>> In some early work I noticed on windows, displaying maps from a WMS 
>> server (mapserver 4.10.2) that the map image doesn't appear until I "do 
>> something". 

A couple more observations to help nail the problem.  It seems one issue 
has to do with HHTP Exceptions not being handled properly.  Zooming in 
to one WMS layers (massgis:GISDATA.IMG_COQ2005 at 
http://giswebservices.massgis.state.ma.us/geoserver/wms) I managed to go 
down to the level I wanted a few times, but most of the time zooming in 
would trigger a timeout (> 120 s, can't remember exact message), then a 
HTTP Exception dialog would pop, then the "QGIS has encountered an 
error" death window.  I meant to test with uDIG, but it ran for 20 
minutes without rendering an image, but at least I could see the little 
green progress bar showing it was working.  I stopped it, so I'll never 
know if it would have crashed in the end or if it was standard Java 
waiting times ;-)

A (related ?) point : I experienced problems in overlaying vector and 
raster data.  My first try was NASA global_mosaic and Tiger roads data 
(from the MassGIS WMS server).  Roads were off.  Then I figured I'd try 
MassGIS raster data (mentioned at the top of this message) and I had 
that offset too.  Ticking the project on the fly option in the 
preferences didn't seem to do much.

Finally, I wonder if it would be possible to cache the GetCapabilities 
response to a local file so the list of available layers pops up 
directly after one adds a WMS layer (in the case a layer was added 
beforehand, of course).  In the case of the MassGIS WMS server it's 
close to 1,5 MB of data upon every connexion.  On a slow connection, 
that may be a real issue.


Yves Moisan

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