Dilwyn Jones wrote:
> Agreed to some extent, although equally we are using Windoze, Intel
> hardware etc to further our QLing. Those of us on this list who use
> PeeCee's need to have the underlying hardware and system software
> working properly to be able to use our emulators in the most efficient
> way, so I don't see that talk of 'other systems' is necessarily wrong
> on this list (though we could always use Dave's QL-Chat which was
> created for the purpose) as long as the discussion and help requests
> is directly or indirectly related to the QL side of things.
> My own saga with the Epson USB drivers illustrates this I think -
> without solving this I wasn't able to use my PC properly which in turn
> prevented me using QPC2 properly. Unless I can resolve this, there's
> no point reinstalling QPC2 and all the QXL.WINs if I have to
> subsequently update my backups and reinstall everything again. Point
> in question is that although the Epson is easily used via the parallel
> port, I wish to use the parallel port to daisy chain my parallel port
> scanner and Zip drive. Any two will work on that interface, the three
> together won't.
  Sorry Dilwyn, your problem was not directly related to QPC, I do not 
think it was appropriate for this group. I wonder if a Mac user of
Q-Emulator would have gotten the same reaction from you. This is why
the Norwich Quanta group barely exists now, an ex-Quanta committee 
member insinuated that we do not exist right in front of us. This
the slippery slope to oblivion.

                       Tarquin Mills
Reboot Movement (An Anti-Wintel Campaign) 
QL-Users Mailing List

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