At 16:19 25/09/2004 +0100, you wrote:
David Tubbs writes:

> As a matter of interest I think the economical and time-saving approach is
> to let QXL format a file
> create a dummy file of sufficient length.
> In PC mode use a hex editor to overwrite with required data !

qxltool does pretty much just that - saving you the trouble of knowing the
format plus a great deal of other complications ;)

In the old days I became very conscious of how and where data are stored on media. Remember the Psion chess MDV, a special routine for copying for a turbo load, just the right interleave factor ? !

Later I wrote routines for disk copying sector by sector, and duplicating track 0 so it could be written back in event it gets smashed - the usual failure of a floppy.

I find I had not forgotten all the relevant considerations.

The two executables I sent you must be run under Windoze, not SMSQ, yes?
(just double checking)
Ofcourse ! A fruitcase yes, not a complete nut.

> In the end, for sure, after using latterday m/c's the poor old thing chugs
> along pretty slowly, but DOES what I cannot achieve in the MS environment.

The raw speed of the QXL isnt too bad compared to a PC (one old enough to
sport an ISA connector, anyway) as SMSQ/QDOS code is usually much more
efficient. However, it may appear sluggish due to the QXL<->PC communication
(the screen data has to be refreshed through an 8-bit channel ever so
often). There are ways and means of improving this somewhat, but I cant
remember how, just now. If you run QXL under MSDOS it should feel a lot

Am I right in thinking that all of this was much improved in SMSQ/E?

Seems it has to run in DOS, but it is just the later QXL code rather than a /E, I doubt there is much speed enhancement, tho' I have done no benchmarking.

If your economical sense does not permit you to fork out on SMSQ/E from a
reputable dealer (such as QBranch) - which also buys you manuals and
support - you can just download the sources and compile them yourself.
Full instructions on how to do this are available with the sources and, with
a little extra effort, all can be done using tools that are freely
I did see that option, the grey cells recoiled, but now you encourage me to have a go and cash in a bit of excess time !


PS, My broadband con' has just come alive, just waiting for setup info.

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