----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tony Firshman"
Subject: Re: [ql-users] QL2004

> >One further thought inspired by a private email. How do we do feedback? I
> >not expecting any great interest from the Quanta Magazine
> Seems unlikely.  I asked them for info to put into the free emailshot -
> not a peep!
> Odd.
> Tony

Not odd at all. Quanta is out of touch with the QL community and have just
not picked up the significance of the event. If they had, they would be
attending. I did not press them on this point because it was a rather
delicate matter after I had hijacked the QL2004 idea. I don't regret doing
that because we are going to have a bloody good time on Saturday, and it
would not have happened if we had left it to Quanta.

I should add I have my doubts about QL2005. The last suggestion was for an
early AGM combined with this next year, but I have heard nothing since. For
a major international show you have to have 6 months to a year planning.

Another thought I am having is what is the point of Quanta making another
£1,000 profit if it never spends its money on anything?

Having written that I should remind everyone that I am a member of the
Quanta committee and I accept a degree of responsibility,

Best wishes,


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