The status of Perfection is an old chestnut on this list and exactly the
same things are being said as the last time the thread appeared. And the
time before that. And the time before that. And ..the ...time ....
before..... zzzzzz. (snore).

No one knows what the status of Perfection is or of all the ancilliary
programs that went with it.

There is an important lesson to be learnt here, especially for those people
who 2 months ago were screaming for a QL software archive and even demanded
that it should be on the agenda of QL2004. I threw the challenge back at the
people concerned and have not heard a thing since. There is, of course,
still time to for them to send their ideas via video, CD-ROM etc to QL2004.

Quanta asked me to monitor the discussion on a software archive to see if
they could have a role to play. I sounded out a few people who have had
experience of chasing up old software and they all said that it was not
worth the effort. More often than not you come across the same sort of
uncertainty as with Perfection. It is difficult enough to track down the
copyright position, let alone get hold of the source code.

 (Remember the reaction of everyone when I queried whether Quanta should try
to buy the rights to QLiberator and Text87?)

Geoff Wicks

QL-Users Mailing List

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