On 8 Oct 2004 at 15:31, Brian Kemmett wrote:

> Its advertised a high colour upgrade and the front end is version 4.12, 
> whilst the engine is still v3.14. I have returned to using my old version 
> front end (v4.07) which works perfectly OK. I know it must be the front end 
> at fault because I can do all the filtering I need with the old vers., save 
> it and then on opening the new vers. everything is as it should be! Try 
> filtering on more than one level with the new front end version will just 
> filter everything..ie: nothing is selected! I will send the new front end to 
> you if that is allowable under all this copyright stuff that I seem to have 
> stirred up .. Let me know, and many thanks for the offer of help.

Well, we now seem to have established where the fault lies :-)

So, there is not much need to send me the prog anyway, since I wouldn't go 
around mucking inside it. Anybody know who wrote this (v.4.12) ?

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