On  Wed, 27 Oct 2004 at 09:59:39,  wrote:

>>The facility to call overseas at local (over there) rates was even offered
>>with 28k modems, even a special call to wake computer job.
>Yes, I used to use Paltalk and visitalk on a 28K modem years ago, but it
>was err... crap.
Yep it certainly was.
The great thing about Skype is that, certainly with ADSL, it is far
better than a std telephone line.
>>In practical terms, I suppose one has to liaise with a given party to make
>>sure you are both get set up and set rendezvous times ?
>Yes, steve and I either email or SMS each other when we are about to go
With ADSL, one would normally leave a machine on 24hrs.  These special
arrangements are only really needed with dial-up.  However the caller
will see whether anyone is on-line.

>I was wondering about holding a virtual show using skype - a massive
>conference call between several users - don't know how many callers it can
>handle at once.... Might be worth trying??
That sounds intriguing.

Certainly would have been a good way of sorting out the mechanics of
trader's visit to USA this year.  We -almost- managed an MSN conference,
but one refused to use it (8-(#
Funnily enough, his boss has now made him use it at work.

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