In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Roy Wood wrote:
> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Tony Firshman 
> writes
> >Were there any more Roy?
> Well several of the lines in the BOOT file were REMark'd out including 
> the one to fire the mouse. When I mentioned this he said 'how did that 
> get there?'
> Most of this is down to the fact that he tinkers with the files as a 
> result of stuff he reads but does not quite understand it. Adventurous 
> but hard to follow. We did not succeed in getting the CD drive working.
> Oh yes and he had a ZIP drive in the parallel port and wondered why that 
> did not work.

  Encouraged by my working MinisQ60, Arnie is going to build a tower case 
based system containing, his Aurora system and a Mini-ITX PC running Linux
for Internet acces. Hopefully next year Arnie will show his rare egg
incubator that is controlled by a Minerva black box QL, using microdrive
motors to roll the egg. He has used it on several birds eggs. Not in Tony
Firshman's pictures there was a ICL OPD exhibit, the QLers
missed this because they stayed in the QL village. I was disappointed
by the turnout of QL users from East Anglia, Greater London and 
surrounding areas. More pictures at:
(I get a close encounter with a Thor XVI above)
We also raised 40 pounds for charity. Bill Richardson came to our Sunday
meeting the next day.

  I have story that is at the level of the cup holder joke, and man
walking into Dixon asking for Workbench for the Amiga, except having
seen it with my own eyes I know it is true. A man went to the TF 
Services stand and asked if they fixed Spectrums, Tony agreed to have a 
look. The man said he had last been using it in 1986 and had not been 
able to use it since (18 years) because it was broken. He had being
using it on a monitor but when he got back from working in Saudi Arabia,
the monitor was gone. On the television left in it's place no picture
could be had. It turns out he did not know you had tune in the television
to the right channel. He won 12 speccy games in the prize draw.
  As to the printer problem I have ported epsonps (Epson to Postscript
converter) that Malcolm Lear suggested. I have used on my Q60 to:

  Xchange -> EpsonPs -> Ghostscript -> PAR -> Printer

It produced the same output as:

  Xchange -> PAR -> Printer
Ghostscript is hard to setup, in process I ported a file spliter and
joiner, all three programs are on the ACCUS website. Now I need to find
a Postscipt downloader i.e. for:

  Xchange -> EpsonPs -> downloader -> Printer
and the source to Graham Lutz's Ghostscript PE Frontend as it is out of 
date. EpsonPs (c2000 lines of C, ANSI and K&R mixed :-( ) is better 
than MPS and nenscript (which are ASCII only), but does not support colour
or proportional fonts and a few other things.   

                       Tarquin Mills

ACCUS (Anglia Classic Computer Users Society)
QL-Users Mailing List

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