Την Fri, 12 Nov 2004 17:14:45 -0500,ο(η) Phoebus Dokos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> έγραψε/wrote:


The RAWtoSCR idea is a very old one... as a matter of fact there is an article on the web somewhere from a guy that does what you do in perl. I use my own photoshop filter to prepare the thing. I would distribute it but it needs the damn Photoshop SDK (some 45 Megs worth of stuff) and I haven't had time (as usual) to sit down and make it in usable form

Now I saw that you are actually mentioning that specific article.
There's a lot more that you can do with RAW files, namely convert to Mode 16 and 33/32.
Of course the plain 4/8 colour modes are okay but the Thor and Aurora with their 16 and 256 colour modes (for the latter Aurora only) are not covered.
I also have a small program (I have given a version to Dilwyn and he had it online IIRC) that did just that with additional Thor and Aurora graphics modes (plus ultra hi-res Mode 4 screens for uQLx for example)


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