Since most QL software requiring printer output (all?) have either epson or postscript drivers, I should think a
combination of 'epsonps' (epson to postscript convertor) and ghostscript would be a possible solution. The list of
printers supported by ghostscript does seem quite impressive. Maybe the process can somehow be transparent
to the user.


Convert Postscript or whatever to Windows-only printer output. Why oh why couldn't these 
have all worked in the same way so that all printers could have a common 
"driver" - seems to contradict the very idea of standards if even in this day 
and age every single printer on the planet needs different software just like the very 
first home computers in the early 1980s did!

Now quite how the various stages are achieved is open to discussion of course 
(Proforma...device drivers, PFF_USE, pipes...), let the print experts on this 
list loose on the project with the end view in mind and let them argue among 
themselves as to the best way to do it!

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