The thought of Rory Bremner and the Two Johns comes to mind, but here we have Three Johns who have shown themselves to be well and truly on the other side of the glass.

Thank you for doing me the honour of electing
me as Chairman for 2004/2005.
John Mason

Oh no John, no John, no !
But that you so believe accounts for the monstrously pompous diatribe recently uttered.
It is not so much an honour as the acceptance of RESPONSIBILITY !

Many folk continually whine (and I use that term deliberately) on the
mailing lists about why Quanta does not do something with its assets. One of
the problems is if a project does not approach Quanta, then can anyone expect Quanta to write a cheque.
John Southern, QUANTA Secretary

A fine way to whinge at your electorate !

Even though I am an officer on the Quanta Committee, I too am leaning
towards "spending" some funds as distinct from "lending" the money. I see no purpose in hoarding our member's subscriptions
John Gilpin.


What ever next, will an officer be expected to do something constructive ?

I have had some close experience of small non-profit org' and it's committee.
Whilst I have not seen Q's articles I am sure that inactivity is not a fulfillment of duties. Even the bible has something to say about buried talents, meaning coinage not gifts.

It is no time to do nothing to avoid making a mistake !

Come Sunday take off your hats and kudos, don some thinking caps instead.

A not for Geoff, if it were up to me I'd back you all the way. Just two reservations, I personally don't think this is the place to hold spats between committee members.
And just a cautionary note, not all that is done without authority is ILLEGAL !

One can hope, can't one !

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