In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Duncan Neithercut wrote:
> 3. If the site contains the magazine in downloadable format offer
> an opt-out from the postal paper copy with email notification of new
> issues - may save some money from those of us with internet access
> Sell magazine from site to non members (get their credit card numbers).
> Only once it becomes interesting again of course see below.

If Quanta magazine is available on the Internet the number of paper 
copies will fall, if they are printed this will make it uneconomical 
to continue to print it. If there is no paper magazine I will resign 
and subscribe to QL Today instead.
> Improving the Quanta magazine
> 1 Distribute selected library programs to members with the newsletter.
> If someone complains that they need it on microdrive cartridges send
> them some floppy disks and interface from donated equipment.
> Explain how to use the software in the newsletter. Same goes for
> selected PD sofware from the usual sources.
> Persuade if possible, pay if need be (eg £xx per 1000 words) the
> authors to write the how to articles.
> Individuals to take responsibility for making it happen – Quanta 
> Librarian & Magazine Editor & Treasurer.

ACCUS already pay group members money for writing pieces in Quanta.

                       Tarquin Mills

ACCUS (Anglia Classic Computer Users Society)
QL-Users Mailing List

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