On Wed, 24 Nov 2004 14:20:54 -0800, James Hunkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


And if you don't think that you can write, if you subscribe to QL Today you will see a series of articles on graphics. I believe this particular series started when I and a few others pushed a particular gentleman to try to write something. He didn't think that he had anything to write about. And now 30 to 40 articles later... :)

Whether it be for QL Today or Quanta, I sure wish that more people would try their hand. I suspect that there is a bunch more talent just sitting around waiting for encouragement!

Perhaps we need to start a discussion as to what articles people would like to see in Quanta.

Certainly the spec for the Proforma Filter together with a bit of background text should appear in both QL Today and Quanta. What we then need are volunteers who may have access to a PC with a Windows only printer (ie. does not work from QL with OPEN #3,par:PRINT #3;'Hello World':CLOSE #3. They would then need to see if Proforma can print to that printer.

We also need volunteers to write who are able to write some of the filters to perform the various conversions.
Someone to find a way of porting the latest Ghostscript to the QL and also to check on whether the printer drivers for Ghostscript will work on the QL. An article on installing Ghostscript would also come in handy, cos I know I had problems when I tried it many years ago...

-- Rich Mellor RWAP Services 26 Oak Road, Shelfield, Walsall, West Midlands WS4 1RQ


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