In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Dave P wrote:
> On Thu, 25 Nov 2004, Tarquin Mills wrote:
> >   If it was a portable at reasonable price people would buy it,
> > people would buy the Platinum card (Quanta may fund it if there is
> > a business plan). I am looking into making a bid to the national
> > lottery to afford the (portable) cases, other minority platform and
> > small manufacturers could share costs. However once there is a case a
> > QL will be needed to go in it.
> When you say portable do you mean a laptop or PDA or something complete
> and self-contained, or a desktop that is self-contained, not made of
> thousands of bits held together with string and shaped like the
> International Space Station?

A true laptop, my MinisQ60 (which not as bad as the ISS) is stage one.

> To develop a board for a laptop is an interesting proposition. It's about
> the same as the challenge of developing a board for a PC, but with
> additional power challenges.

The QL uses such minimal power that unless we are using Coldfire this
can be ignored.

> If a QL-replacement board with SVGA output was made in a standard
> form-factor and the same schematic was also laid out for a common
> taiwanese laptop case, this could technically work.
> The likely route would be to buy a stack of itentical budget laptops, and
> use the existing PSU/battery, HD, and CD/DVD mechanism, and just replace
> the motherboard. This would be cheaper than designing/buying all those
> items separately.

This is an interesting idea.
> Would people be willing to pay a $400-$600 premium for a laptop? That has
> 1/10th the performance of if you'd left it alone and just installed QPC?

Yes, if they were serious, while the laptop would be much faster than 
1/10th, in fact it will be faster than QPC, while if it uses Coldfire
that will bring it into the next league. Do not forget the sales on 
other platforms.

                       Tarquin Mills

ACCUS (Anglia Classic Computer Users Society)
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