Dilwyn Jones wrote:
> Rather than pester a very busy Marcel with a trivial problem,


Trivial stuff at least has the advantage that I can easily answer
them, unlike many mails that have been coming in the past few months
that often require hours of work to answer (which I often don't have).

> does anyone know if the QPC2 CD Player could either play 2 separate
> CDs from 2 separate drives at the same time, or a CD and and image
> on hard disk somewhere?

No, there's no way to select the drive. I did the specification when
even double speed drives were still pretty expensive things!

> A lad at work is looking at setting up a mobile disco based on a PC 
> (play one CD while getting the other ready cued or even 'mixing' two
> tracks, he even wants to record voice links on one CD and play the 
> music with voice-overs). It's just a thought in case I can impress him
> with a simple SBASIC program in the new year!

There's some pretty specialised PC software available for this purpose
that would be hard to beat ;-)


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