Tony Firshman wrote:
On  Mon, 3 Jan 2005 at 22:40:41, Bill Waugh wrote:

Rich Mellor wrote:

 perhaps we should remember the QL world has seen a few doubtful
traders in the past, fortunately I was never involved with any of
that  type, in fact I think I have dealt with all the present traders
and have  found them all to be top notch. ( he he can you tell I need
a lot of  upgrades, though I also want QDT and word)

QWord and the upgrades from me are already available Bill, so what is stopping you....

SWMBO,two classic motor cycles, four delightful grandchildren, two not so delightful grandchildrens parents, four sets of obligatory tacky Christmas lights now to take down, a cat, a dog, a loft full of stuff that's mine that I cant remember gathering and now want to get rid of, a sky dish that's not aligned correctly, making a decision whether to re-align the dish or cancel Sky,

I can loan you an alignment meter.
Hey thanks I might take that offer up( might also tell Sky to take a hike

wasting to much time buying bits of old classic bike on Ebay,

Are you in touch with Bill Cable. He is into classic British and German motorbikes. He is a regular at US 'swapmeets' where there are real bargains in European spares. He says someone visiting from the UK could make a real killing buying and shipping back parts. I was at an Ohio swapmeet in July and there were 400 traders, most with classic bikes.

He has just built a new building to house his collection.
I rebuilt a 1950s BMW engine for him when I was last there.  It started
for the first time in 8 years.

Yes I have mailed Bill a time or two I recall, I bought a alloy head for the A10 from the Canada via Ebay, even with shipping it was about half the price I would have paid here

trying to play Badminton with a 61 year old leg

Is that leg younger or older than you (8-)#

same age I'm told but feels older

that has both a gammy knee and a pulled calf muscle (the knee has been
in the care of the NHS for two years now )

I hope they return it soon.

They haven't got it yet theve just been looking

, building yet anther shed to hold stuff ( some of it Ql related )

I now have seven sheds - two housing QL stuff.

Oh dear I'm still four sheds behind you

All the best - Bill
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