In a message dated 12/01/05 06:08:07 GMT Standard Time, 

> I have a question here.
> Currently, the way directories are handled is by making a directory a 
> somewhat special file (file type -1, IIRC).
> Apart from that, though,a  directory ia a simple file that can be 
> accessed more or less like any file.
> Directories contain an "entry" per file referenced in that directory.
> Part of the entry is the filename of the file.
> However, and that is where the original designers made a design 
> decision we all regret today, this filename is the ENTIRE name of the 
> file, (minus the device name).
> Example: you have a file called "win1_subdir1_subdir2_subdir3_myfile"
> The filename as contained in the entry in subdir3_ for this file will be:
> "subdir1_subdir2_subdir3_myfile".
> As you can see, we are quickly getting to the 36 chars limit since that is 
> the most space a filename can take in the directory file entry.
> Wouldn't the most simple way to get around the name length limitation 
> be that each directory holds only the filename itself?
> Of course, each name on each directory level  would still be limited to 
> 36 chars, but something like:
> win1_verylongsubdirname1_verylongsubdirname2_verylongsubdirnam
> e3_verylongsubdirname4_verylongsubdirname5_prettylongfilename
> would be possible.
> Perhaps the directory should be a new file type (-5 ot whatever) to 
> show that this is a new type of directory.
> Legacy applications wouldn't work in this scheme. But, let's face it, 
> whatever the scheme you are going to implement, they won't work 
> (one, because the finale filemane will be too long anyway, two because 
> they can't access new directories anyway).

I had the impression that directories in QDOS were notional, not real. That 
is, each file, with its full name, exists on the medium whether or not a 
directory has been "made". Thus, if win1_op_f1 and win1_op_f2 are two files on 
they will immediately appear in a directory if win1_op is made a directory by

       make_dir win1_op.

The original files are totally unchanged, but a new file with type 255 (or 
-1) and name win1_op is added to win1. This has the effect, through software, 
all files with names starting win1_op_ being treated as though they were in a 
directory called win1_op.

If this is true, I don't see how a filename can be shortened simply because 
it has notionally been put in a directory.

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