 Try this in QPC 3.30

100 OPEN_IN #8,"tcp_pop.freesurf.ch:110": REM replace  pop.freesurf.ch with
your account
110 inst$="": stage=0
120 crlf$= CHR$(13) & CHR$(10)
130 REPeat
140  a$= INKEY$(#8,100)
150  IF a$<>"":inst$= inst$ & a$
160  PRINT a$;
170  SELect ON stage
180     =0:
190         IF "OK" INSTR inst$ THEN
200           inst$= ""
210           PRINT #8, "USER username";crlf$;
220           stage= 1
230         END IF
240     =1:
250         IF "OK" INSTR inst$ THEN
260           inst$= ""
270           PRINT #8, "PASS password";crlf$;
280           stage= 2
290         END IF
300     =2:
310         IF "OK" INSTR inst$ THEN
320           inst$= ""
330           PRINT #8, "LIST";crlf$;
340           stage= 3
350         END IF
360     =3:
370         IF "OK" INSTR inst$ THEN
380           PRINT #0,"view which mail number ? 0 to QUIT":
390           INPUT #0,number$
400           IF number$<>0
410             PRINT #8,"TOP ";number$;" 5";crlf$;
420           ELSE
430             PRINT #8,"QUIT";crlf$;
440           END IF
450           CLS:CLS #0
460           stage= 2
470         END IF
480   END SELect
490 END REPeat

Then post your improvements ;-)


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