> Urgently need help (preferably off list) on this one.
> "My Documents" on my computer at work usually points to
> \\server\users\........ (can't remember rest fo it from memory)
> For reasons best known to itself it's decided to put itself onto
> drive C on this PC, so of course ALL company documents are suddenly
> lost without trace.
> I'd like to redirect the My Documents folder back to its original
> server location but can find no info how to do this. Windows help is
> meaningless gibberish going on about Group Policy and such things
> without actually explaining how or where to go about it.

Depends on how your network works. In bigger installation the computer
is likely to be joined in a Domain, where the Domain administrator
controls that stuff.

With normal Workstations like mine at home the location can be set
using TweakUI (free download from Microsoft).


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