In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Wolfgang Uhlig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
I am a liittle bit astonished because AFAIR there were many people in Eindhoven
2004 already who pointed out that they would be willing to pay for an upgraded
version of EasyPtr. Nevertheless nothing happens exept for the question in this
group every now and then, whether there will be an upgrade or not.
Well how many is many and what would you update ? The extensions all seem OK and the problems seem to lie in the menu and sprite generation software. Now if this is what needs to be done the answer may lie in wring a new program to generate menus and sprites in high colour mode that follow the EASYPTR standard and will work with the extensions. How hard or easy this is I cannot say
When I asked Marcel personally some weeks ago, he told me that he is not at all
interested to do it.
I did not say he was interested in doing it just that he was the ideal person to do it. I gather that the code is very hard to work with as I said and I also get the impression that he does not want to do it.
So what is true?
I would definitely want to have an upgrade (and pay for it ofcourse) and think that
we need it urgently.
So, as far as I am concerned, please stop discussing it, fix a price for it and begin to DO it.
It is all very well to say this but how do you get someone to do it?

Now I realise that you will all say 'make it open source and then legions of talented programmers will spring from the stone that they shelter under to avoid the heat of the commercial world and do it' . Being realistic and seeing the vast amount of work these people have provided us with so far you can appreciate I am not holding my breath here.

What I will say it this. As one of the two people who are licensed to sell this I will listen to anyone who may want to make a serious attempt at writing new menu and sprite generators for Easypointer and I am willing to be the vector for anyone who would like to sell these programs. In the case of the sprite generator I am sure Jim will give you the info you need to make a converter to allow you to export sprites from his QDT Icon program. I also think this is an important project and should tackled so I am happy to support it any way possible (except that I cannot directly pay anyone to do it).

If someone would like to do it for free they would be free to distribute it so long as they do not include any of the copyright Easypointer components.

Contact me if you want to take up the challenge.
Roy Wood
Q Branch. 20 Locks Hill, Portslade, Sussex.BN41 2LB
Tel: +44 (0) 1273 386030    fax: +44 (0) 1273 430501  skype : royqbranch
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