P Witte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
We can live without a good menu designer or a sprite editor,
but not without a way of displaying and manipulating our
windows and menus from within programs, so for me that is
the main priority.

As to me, I can live without a sprite editor because it's possible to create sprites
in other ways.
A menu designer à la Easymenu_exe is (and has always been) indispensable for me when
writing my programs for the QL. This is why my disappointment is so great at the moment.

When I started to write programs for/on the QL many years ago, it was because EP made it
so easy. I was already a "mouse-user" when most QL-users still thought of a computer-mouse
as the beginning of the end of the world and only Roy dared to have BUTTONS on his desktop ;)
EP has been my companion and my motivation on the QL. Without it probably none of my programs
would have seen the world and I would have left the QL-scene long ago.

During the last two or three years I have always hoped that anyone (especially Marcel)
would update EP. In only _one_ of his "long nights" Marcel succeeded in bringing Easymenu to a state
where it can work with colours and 3-D borders!
Marcel says, it is not perfect yet.
I say, it's so much better now and I would even pay for _this_ one, if he asked me to.
I am convinced that there would be hardly any EP-owner and -user who would NOT pay for such a
version. The ones I know, wouldn't.
It is so frustrating and annoying that it cannot be given or sold to other users!

I am frustrated because of all things, we urgently need to make the QL survive, software (good, interesting,
funny, useful and whatever programs) is the most important. A colourful game and a new desktop are not
more than a drop in the bucket.

Please you people out there, who really have the knowledge to write utilities
which enable us "lower gods" to write software,
which make it really easy to create it,
which just motivate us to make a start,
please just do it!


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