On Tue, 8 Mar 2005, Roy wood wrote:

> Could be worse - could be Jochen and almost anything electrical. He is
> the only person I know whose washing machine has a software fault.

No, he isn't. :)

My washer would sometimes stop mid-cycle, and the LCD would display

The repairman who fixed it under warranty said the on-board
microcontroller had a faulty EPROM, and that he would have to get a
replacement. I offered, and he accepted, for me to download the image, and
flash a 27512 I happened to have laying around. This gave me opportunities
for abuse... (and saved him a trip ;)

My washer now freaks the missus out by saying "Hi Jimi" instead of "Door
Open" on the display when she opens the lid (which she's not likely to see
as the lid obscures the LCD, but she noticed after a couple of months.
She's convinced Sears are tracking her laundry habits ;)


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