John Gilpin wrote:

> Special Resolution Number 1.
> Cutting out the wording regarding how the various paragraphs will be
> renumbered, this resolution boils down to "in order to improve the
> balance between continuity and refreshment of the Quanta committee
> it is suggested that no member shall serve on the committee for more
> than six years without standing down for one year before seeking
> re-appointment."

[Clause 5.2]

I don't have a particular problem with this, but equally I don't see
why it should be considered important enough to spend time and effort
on in the twilight of Quanta's existence.

> The rest of the resolution covers any situations to avoid all the
> committee members standing down at the same time and to decide who's
> turn it is to stand down at any given point in time.

[Clauses 5.3 - 5.4]

But in doing so it creates the situation where a malicious/misguided/
incompetent officer (or group of officers) has 3 years to reek havoc!

[Clauses 5.5 - 5.6]

If taken literally, it could also force a committee member to stay on
against their will!

This is typical committee nonsense - attempt to solve a "problem" that
no-one is worried about and create a much worse problem in the


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