Taking an example from the Linux community again, a LOT, if they have any real belief in the future of the platform.
How many work in the QL sector for real monetary gain, rather than love of the product?
This is an argument we re-visit every now and then. The trouble is those who get on the horse at one end of the valley marked 'Free For All' and those at the opposite end never ever change their mind so we all trot out the same tired clichés.

Both sides are possible. You can write software and give it away for free if you want. QPC2 does not stop you doing that. Or you can write software and sell it. Trouble is there are very few people doing either. We should appreciate both of these sides and say 'thank you'.

What we do get is people saying 'well I don't use the platform much, and I only take a passing interest in it but make it free anyway'

The answer is simple. If you want it, and it cost money, buy it. If you think it is too dear, don't. There are many free or cheap emulators - they may not be so good or get such sustained development, but then that is what you are paying for. If you object to the author owning the rights to his own work don't buy by it but don't whinge on about it. It is, after all his decision. I own a garden at the back of my house. You are welcome to look at it but I don't want you digging in it or building on it. No difference.

The idea that you can make money with 'added value' is nonsense because people still call me at all hours and want support - usually for things they have not bought from me. People still send disks for 'free updates in little envelopes with no return labels and postage, and people don't 'buy' manuals. I found this out with ProWesS when I offered to print them at cost. For many people the manual should be in my house so they can call me up and have me read it to them as some kind of techno bedtime story.

We all have our own viewpoint on this. I suggest that, after several discussion on the subject we all give up trying to change the other sides mind.

-- Roy Wood Q Branch. 20 Locks Hill, Portslade, Sussex.BN41 2LB Tel: +44 (0) 1273 386030 fax: +44 (0) 1273 430501 skype : royqbranch web :

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    • ... Phoebus R. Dokos (Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος)
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