----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jeremy Taffel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, April 23, 2005 2:02 AM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Just an idea for a new Product.....

> Roy wood wrote:
> > In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jeremy Taffel 
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
> > <SNIP>
> My position is quite simple really. I use computers for soving 
> engineering problems, and find myself using windows (98,XP, 2000), 
> Linux, Solaris....., but the OS is less important to me than the tools. 
> I used to use the QL a lot, and found that I could work similarly to 
> PVWAVE ( a very expensive unix application that I use at work) and that  
> SuperBasic + Turbo.+ lots of maths, signal and image proceesing 
> extensions approximated the same working environment.  So I'd prototype 
> the code at home on the QL. play with some ideas and once they had 
> gelled  do it for real at work using an "approved tool". However, I hit 
> various limits (speed, graphics resolution, turbo restrictions....) and 
> eventually (about 12 years ago) stopped using the QL for anything 
> serious, and now when I do use it its to look through my old programs to 
> remind myself how I did something. I no longer use the native hardware, 
> so its uQLx (until I upgraded Linux, and now it doesn't work), and QLAY
> Jeremy
Try Turbo v4g21 when it goes on the site sometime this week.
If it still needs up grading George will listen.
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