Q-Celt wrote:
> >So, when is a good time for a Show?  Mid-Summer? Or do we leave it until
> >Sept/Oct?
> >>Mid summer - August - suits me.
> And me.... Anyone else? The weather will be good too.
> >>BTW Darren I have just come back from an evening with Steve Bensusan 
> >>(you  others will not know him)  and he is onboard for the new band.
> Brilliant news!! (Steve is a gifted Guitarist. I have Roy's Album with Last
> Post and he is amazing on it - unbelievable solos.) I had thought you'd 
> lost touch with him....I was just listening to him in the car last
> night on my way home from work (that album occupies slot 4 on my CD 
> Multi-changer!!)

Has Roy's band done any songs about the Sinlair QL or SMSQ/E, there back
on topic. If he has I would buy a copy.

                       Tarquin Mills (Chairman)
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