Putting aside the legalities (and it may well be the legalities which are the block), I agree with you. When the rights for sale are clearly known - i.e. the vendor and/or owner/writer stand to gain from the sale of software, I can understand such rights should not only be protected and honoured, but also pursued. When, however, the software is clearly in a position where no one stands to gain anything as the author no longer knows or cares, the publisher likewise, who gains by the QL community being PC about not allowing copies? I've been quite impressed that 21 years after the launch, programs such as QD and QDT are being developed. It is programs such as these that the protectiveness and angst, in my view, are best directed. Stuart _______________________________________________ QL-Users Mailing List http://www.q-v-d.demon.co.uk/smsqe.htm