Just out of curiousity I tried it in Word (no QTYPon this machine at work). No 
objection apart from the word 'chequer'. The text contains mostly words which 
are correct in a spell checking sense but which some of Geoff's programs might 
violently object to, a bit like correcting a Welshman's English perhaps!

He he.

Dilwyn Jones
> From: John Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2005/06/20 Mon PM 07:39:04 GMT
> Subject: [ql-users] Spelin'
> I think Geoff might like this.
> Eye halve a spelling chequer
> It came with my pea sea
> It plainly marques four my revue
> Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.
> Eye strike a quay and type a word
> And weight four it two say
> Weather eye am rong oar rite
> It shows me strait aweigh.
> As soon as a mist ache is maid
> It nose bee four two long
> And eye can put the error rite
> Its rare lea ever rong.
> Eye halve run this poem threw it
> I am shure your pleased two no
> Its letter perfect awl the weigh
> My chequer tolled me sew!
> John Taylor

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