Alexander Klock wrote:
>> Even though in those days the German QL scene was really buzzing :-)
> Yes, I even knew about it then. But it was quite hard to get in  
> touch, only via snail-mail, no users close to my location and all the
> interesting stuff was too expensive for someone still at school and
> without money, you know,

I know, I'm actually some years younger than you are ;-) But
fortunately there was an active scene here, I remember dragging my dad
to many meetings, plus the German club magazine Quasar was a huge
well of information.

> For the first, yes. Basic is the only thing I know until now, but I'm
> eager to learn some assembler later... I started this on a ZX81...  
> that was a mess, I can tell you... ;-)

Started on a ZX81, too. But only got into assembler on the QL, which
is BTW one of the best machines to learn/program assembler on, to this
day a big part of all software including the OS is pure assembler.

> There starts the trouble (again). I only have Macs. And even worse,
> I don't have some classic system anymore, and the emulator runs only
> with System 9... I can't even install it on my iMac G5 anymore. So
> this door is closed until someone ports the emulator to X.

I see. Well, I can definitely rule out an OS X port of QPC, it's just
too much work, though it runs fine on VirtualPC. Apart from that you
could try

>> I think the max serial speed with an unmodified QL is however 9600
>> bps.
> That should be sufficient as the files are not that large, aren't they?

Files for the original QL tend to be pretty small, yes. When I
purchased my first pack of 10 DD discs I thought those would certainly
last forever. ;-) Since then I learned the law of data always filling
up all available space, no matter how big the space is.

>> Personally I consider the stuff abandonware and have not much
>> hesitations to giving it away, but I don't really have many games for
>> the QL.
> I'd be interested to know which games you have and would give away.

I guess I can dig through my old stuff once you've set up a way to
get it unto your QL.

> Well, but take a look from the other side:

Don't need to, I perfectly saw your point. Just saying it really IS
difficult to start because the vanilla QL does have many limitations.


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