> I also had problems sleeping on Friday night due to the noise from the
> heating system (I had left my window open all evening so the
> temperature itself was okay).
> Saturday night wasn't so bad, which probably had something to do with
> getting to bed late after consuming plenty of Guinness and red wine
> before/during/after the evening meal!
Indeed - there was a heating problem.

> Other than that, I had a great time.

> Two comments:
> 1) We could have done with more space in the main room on Saturday.
Yes. It would have helped if the air in the room had been a bit better 
too, but that was probably also down to the heating/failing climate

Although it was said that on Saturday, 42 visitors were present,
it looked a bit empty due to the talks.
Maybe it was also that I missed some of the "usual" visitors from
abroad ... I think except for Marcel and myself, there was no one
from abroad (Germany, Switzerland, Ireland etc....)

Even so, I met new faces to names which I had not met during the 20 
years in the past :-)

Cheers   Jochen

Jochen Merz Software - Kaiser-Wilhelm-Str. 302 - D-47169 Duisburg
    Tel. +49-(0)203-502011      Fax +49-(0)203-502012
    Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]       Homepage: http://SMSQ.J-M-S.COM

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