----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Gilpin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2006 9:54 PM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Software versions was Sedit 2.26

> We are all aware of the failings of the various QUANTA committees, Geoff.
> Why not send me a list of your popular software (showing latest versions 
> of
> each package, whether there are different versions for differing QL
> platforms, where they can be obtained and how much etc.) and see if this
> will start off my new feature.
> I note what you say regarding the changes of topics/subjects on this list. 
> I
> had hoped to be in contact with the authors or tinkerers themselves rather
> than have to extract confused info off the list.

1: I am not going to send you the details, but here are the statistics.

On my hard disk I have 46 programs installed. 31 of these are used 

14 are commercial programs. This is the easy bit as there are only two 
traders involved. (Actually 3 but Jochen and Roy sell the same range.)  6 of 
the programs are technically commercial, but now no longer available.

8 are Just Words! programs, either commercial or freeware.

5 are my own programs, of which 2 are in PD libraries.

19 are freeware/ public domain programs with 14 different authors.

That is a total of 17 people you would have to contact in my case.

2: I doubt if I am a typical QL user. There are many more commercial and 
freeware programs in common use.

3: The tendency in the last few years has been a move away from commercial 
software into public domain/freeware. This is especially so of much GD2, 
sprite and PE development software. In other words it would not be a matter 
of contacting a few traders, but instead a lot of individuals. Realistically 
we are talking of a full time QL task for someone.

4: Suppose we restrict our choice to only "popular" software. Try a little 
test. Ask 20 people to send you a list of their 10 most popular programs and 
see what the final total comes to.

Even better let people on this list give their 10 most popular programs.

5: Don't be naive enough to think that you will get replies to emails if you 
send them out. Tony Firshman has been doing email shots advertising shows 
for almost 6 years and I have been doing snail mails for 2 years. Some 
traders, including software traders, have never given us a single reply to 
our emails asking for their copy. (Quanta used to be one of the worse 
offenders until you came along, John. For your efficiency we are very 

Best Wishes,



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