Dilwyn Jones schreef:
>>> My updated 'keywords list' have more than 3.500 entries now, but I
>>> don't yhink it is still worth while publishing.
>> My current 'keywords list' has about 3590 entries. If someone out
>> there is interested just let me know.
> If anyone like you has lists of keywords which exceed those on my 
> website, please let me have a copy to keep the list up to date.

Hi Dilwyn,

In which format do you want me to send the keywords list?
Possible formats:
  1)Export for Archive/Suqcess/QLDBAS
  2)HTML (tables)
  3)CSV (can be opened in CALC(OpenOffice) and probably Excell
  4)Plain text (field separator TAB)
  The file will be zipped to reduce its size.

What file name do you want for the 'zip' file?

  Kind regards,

  François Van Emelen

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