Doug L. wrote:

> I would be interested in taking a look at whether any of the current near-Net 
> able packages come close to getting a moderately enhanced QL on the Net. As I 
> remember, SoQL is one and may get further work so as to come closer to being 
> truly Net-enabled. But it's my understanding it still requires Aurora (and a 
> recent SMSQ, but I may be able to get/afford SMSQ).
> If there's a good possibility of doing something, e.g. programming/coding, 
> that would enable a QL black box that's within shouting distance of original 
> to get on the net, I'd be interested, though like so many folk on this list I 
> don't have limitless spare time. I don't really know enough right now to know 
> whether there's even a respectable chance of fitting things into 4MB (and 
> maybe just floppies, though HDD might be easier for me & my situation than I 
> realize. Not entirely in the spirit, but possibly one can tolerate it :-). I 
> don't really know _what_ those things are.
Hi Doug,
I could send you the soQL package. It may not be vapourware but I'm 
afraid it dose seem to have become "frozenware" but it should
work on a fairly basic QL. Let me know if you want me to mail it to you. 
I would recommend taking a look at Poebus's article series from
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