----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dilwyn Jones" <>
To: "QL Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 05, 2006 7:47 PM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] get back on topic

> Having just got back and seen the latest QL today, who have I upset,
> seeing as Roy and Geoff seem to have taken every opportunity possible
> to have a go at me???

Actually I thought you got off rather lightly. The "Senior Statesman" was 
meant seriously and was a compliment. The other title took me a good half 
hour's research in Chesterfield Library.

I was more worried about upsetting others. The first paragraph must have 
lost us all our Manchester readers. I thought Roy would object to being 
described as an "ANCIENT" rocker. Sarah is not yet back from holiday, but 
she will remind me once again that she is a southerner and not a northerner.

The one person who did complain, although he assured me that an apology was 
not necessary was Tony. He tells me that he always sings innocently, but 
this time it was in a chamber orchestra and not the church choir.

BTW there is still time to subscribe to QL Today to get the gripping account 
of the Hove Show,

Best Wishes,

PS Those of you who are members of Quanta will notice that the last QL Today 
advert was months out of date. This was a mistake by Quanta and not Roy who 
prepares the advert. He had sent a new one, and received an acknowledgement, 
but Quanta still used the old one. 

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