----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dilwyn Jones" <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2006 8:37 PM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] get back on topic

> I still don't understand the caption about 'hanging two dwarves' -
> could one of you enlighten me?

Neither do I!

> How did the Hove show go on the 28th May?

Quite a good show. Attendance about 30 with a good deal of mixing. Two 
welcome faces were Bill Richardson and Roger Godley. Bill has practically 
sold all his stock and half his stall was dedicated to anti-EEC propaganda.

Roger didn't give the promised talk, but was kept quite busy with informal 
groups looking at his work.

Hugh Rooms gave an interesting talk on GSP via the QL with a practical 
demonstration and Roy was able to demonstrate the QDT file manager. This 
lead to an informal discussion on who wants to use QDT and who not and a 
suggestion that it could have the potential to take over from QPAC2.

Catering up to the usual high standards. We also discussed with Ken Bain the 
possibility of a London/Byfleet show in the Autumn,

Best Wishes,


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