Oops -- try this ... 

SBYTES flp1_pascal_49152,65536

On Sat, 19 Aug 2006 09:59:12 -0600 Al Feng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Okay, this is imprecise -- it is something like:
> SBYTES flp1_pascal 0,65536
> Where "pascal" (in this example) is the name of the file you want to 
> save
> ...
> "65536" presumes you are buring a 64K EPROM.
> "49152" will presume you only want 48K of code ... etc.
> There is probably a delimiter between the file name & numbers ...
> probably, an underscore.
> Does that look familiar?
> On Sat, 19 Aug 2006 14:55:45 +0100 "Rich Mellor"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I am having problems with the ROM cartridge for Metacomco Pascal 
> in 
> > that  
> > it is only rarely recognised by the QL for some reason.
> > 
> > Does anyone have an image of the ROM cartridge (or can anyone 
> remind 
> > me  
> > how to make one with SBYTES...) and I can look at getting it 
> > reblown.
> > 
> > Looks like another little job for Tony F. - checking the actual 
> > cartridge  
> > circuit board and maybe reblowing the EPROM.
> > 
> > -- 
> > Rich Mellor
> > RWAP Services
> > URL:http://www.rwapsoftware.co.uk
> > URL:http://www.rwapadventures.com
> > URL:http://www.rwapservices.co.uk
> > URL:http://www.internetbusinessangels.com
> > 
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> > QL-Users Mailing List
> > http://www.q-v-d.demon.co.uk/smsqe.htm
> > 
> > 
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