George Gwilt wrote:
> 1. I now remember that I tried iop.flim in the past and found it no
> use. It returns the maximum window size and its position for the  
> channel ID presented to it. If the window is a primary the maximum is
> the whole screen, at 0,0. If you open two windows in a program and  
> present the second ID to iop.flim it returns the size and position of
> the first. No good for my purpose.

Of course it does. That is, after all, the maximum dimension for the
second window. Only the primary window can be enlarged. Though I don't
quite see how this can be a problem.

> 3. SMSQE now has a new vector block. Its address, says QPC2's manual,
> is at pt_vecs(a3) where a3 is the address of the CON linkage. This  
> declaration implies that the value of pt_vecs will not change in  
> future versions of SMSQE. I hope that the same can be assumed for  
> pt_xscr.

That's pretty sure, yes, as I don't suppose the QL will ever need to
learn to use multiple monitors. It's basically just a matter of


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