Neil Riley wrote:
> Regarding this matter. Whilst i can see that it would be difficult
> for a relative novice like me to write a text based browser, I guess
> i can be simplistic in my approach and see the HTTP as being a file
> that follows a logical structure.

HTTP is just the transfer protocol and that's not too difficult. What
you probably mean is HTML and THAT is truly a bitch.

> I can see that this could become my loooong term project.

Well, we do have a lynx port which works. As well as lynx can work, at
least (I don't link it. Much prefer "links" or "w3m" if I have to use
a text browser).

> On a similar subject, whats the average age of you guys....... Don't
> lie, I've seen the pictures :-)

My average age is 26. Which, coincidentally, is currently also my
upper and lower bounds! ;-)


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