----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Alex Wells" <>
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2006 11:16 PM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] QLer ages - Membership numbers

> On Thursday 14 September 2006 20:43, John Gilpin wrote:
>> You are quite correct (as usual) Geoff.
>> Volume 23 Issue 2 April/May 2006 page 15 shows the updated total figure 
>> as
>> 219.
> Hi John,
> I am delighted you are not letting G Wickes rattle you.
> There is no justification in extrapolations, or nasty shocks.
> More members would still be good, however!

Never forget one thing. Three or four years ago, when I was warning about 
the way shows were deteriorating, everyone ridiculed me including the 
traders and Quanta.

I was the person who got my hands dirty and did something about it. Without 
me there would have been no QL2004 and no QL is 21. They certainly would not 
have been held if it had been left to Quanta.

If people had listened to me three or four years ago we would have a larger 
and stronger Quanta today.

So Alex don't just say you want more members. Go out and get your hands 

Best Wishes (and I mean that)


PS. I know you don't do this Alex, but others in NEMQLUG have done. Don't 
think you can fob me off by invoking the ghost of Phil Jones. 

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