On Sat, 16 Sep 2006 23:05:41 +0100, Daniele Terdina  

>> Ah - the Q60 version relies on SMSQ/e - whereas the Aurora version does
>> not.
> If the Aurora version of QWord assumes the Aurora card is always present  
> and
> it uses the 512x480 256 colours mode, than it should work "as is" on
> Q-emuLator. If it tests for presence of the Aurora card it may work on  
> not
> depending on the type of test it does (and even if it doesn't work, it
> should be easy to fix it on either the QWord or the Q-emuLator side).
>> However I cannot easily install the Aurora version without being able to
>> create a directory in a QXL.WIN file.
> Maybe you can copy the QXL.WIN content to a Windows directory?

No I have gone back to basics - however there are 3 problems:

1) QWord cannot detect Aurora present - ie. through display write test (as  
per previous email)
2) 2MB crashes for some reason - it needs 3MB
3) How do we access the new display modes?  Same pokes as on Aurora?

Rich Mellor
RWAP Services

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