My system gives some very strange results.
STAT dos1_ (153GB) is: 238221176/321669424 and returns 238221152/321669424
dos2_ (8GB) should be: 321744/16787488 and returns 238221168/321669424
It seems that dos2_ is reporting back the capacity of dos1_. I'm running 
the latest QPCII
on XP Pro. Dos1_ is a SATA drive and dos2_ an old ATA.


George Gwilt wrote:

>If I want to know whether a floppy disk will take the file I want to  
>save to it I type STAT. If DATAD$  = "flp1_" I can see the total  
>number of sectors and the number of free sectors. This is useful. It  
>works with ram1 to ram8, with win1 to win8 and so on. But it does not  
>give the correct answer for dos1 to dos8 for QPC2. To find out how  
>much space I have left on, say, a memory stick I have to climb down  
>to Windows to find the answer. Is this restriction intentional? WSTAT  
>works perfectly well. It is only SATA that fails.
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