Is that the Psion chess below? I highly recommend it to anyone. Psion, despite 
being "only" 67K and old, played one of the most amazing games I've ever seen, 
any chess package, even a master, maybe grandmaster.  This includes Francois 
Lanciault's Blackknight (I wrote reviews for QL magazines). (In fact, I need to 
find my notes; while Psion was playing White, it may have been Blackknight 
playing Black indirectly).

Come to think of it, an annotated version of the Psion game could even make a 
QLT article. Even an interesting one :-) .

Doug L. 37830 USA

-----Original Message-----
>From: Phil Kett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Sep 26, 2006 1:54 PM
>Subject: Re: [ql-users] I want your software
>Neil Riley wrote:
>> Hi All.
>> Being an admittedly nerdy collector ( just ask the wife ). I am slowly
>> building up a collection of original games and other such things for my
>> QL. This collecting also extends to other things like Metacomco
>> languages, Utilities and the like. This is not a request for you to
>> donate your unwanted items, but a request for those who have that copy
>> DOCTOR, WEST (on Microdrive ) , Abersoft Classic Adventures, JMF games
>> etc etc , to come forward and let us do a deal. If your copy is dead but
>> you have the packaging then this could be ok as I will get a working
>> version somehow.
>> I already have some of the mentioned items but the microdrives are
>> faulty... Cartridge Doctor is a funny example 
>> but im not laughing :-( 
>> Ok, Thanks for listening. this only applies to those who read out loud
>> :-)
>I like yourself have been an avid collector of all things QL for a long 
>time. Unfortunately time and money has left this sort of thing to the 
>I do have quite a collection of software on microdrive if you're 
>interested - to be honest I was thinking about putting some of this 
>stuff on Ebay but hadn't got around to it - to be honest I'd rather it 
>went to someone in the community anyway.
>Here's what I've got....
>Lands Of Havoc
>3D Slime
>The Assembler Workbench
>BJ in 3D land
>Meteor Storm
>Astracom 1000 Software
>BJ The Return
>QL Art
>Super Sprite Generator
>Classic Adventures
>I can't at the moment say for certain what works and what doesn't but if 
>you're interested in any of these then let me know and I'll rake out an 
>original QL and test them for you,
>QL-Users Mailing List

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