John et al,
Very interesting idea. I would like to get something in QLT saying some of us 
are trying to summarize, then move forward on, 'Netting for the QL, as near 
original as possible w/o super extensive upgrades. I suspect the deadline for a 
soon-to-be issue of QLT is past and any such will have to wait a couple months 
for the next issue. (No, I don't 100% know what I'm doing/have done in 
volunteering to head up such an idea--would I be doing this if I really _knew_ 
what I was getting myself into?).

This could be what amounts to a regular QLT "department", with differing 
contributors from time to time.

And I suspect there are numerous QLers out there who do not use their QLs for 
much 'Netting and rely on post/snail mail for many things--such as the printed 
QLT. Notification by paper might produce results amongst lurking QLers that 
other efforts have not.

Mm-hmm, I'm aware that large efforts have already been expended and milestones 
have been reached--e.g. Johnathon Dent's SoQL and Phoebus' three-part series of 
articles. However, I don't think anyone really _knows_ we can't go further, and 
can't draw old devotees and draw lurkers back to or closer to renewed QL 
involvement. Some folk at the QL NA show were saying lack of modern abilities 
such as Internet or at least email (which Johnathon's SoQL addresses) is one of 
the main stumbling blocks to having some old-line QLers using their QL for much.

Hmm, looks like John is thinking of Quanta and I'm thinking of QLT, but 
ultimately that should not be a handicap.

QL Forever,
Doug 37830 USA

Today I have so many emergencies (e.g. family) on my plate I can do little on 
the above--but will keep trying to get to it. And as I've said, if you think 
I'm nuts ("never voluneer, at least in the army"), do you think I'd volunteer 
if I _knew_ what I'm getting myself into? :-) .

And Tony, I haven't had time to open up the case on my floppies to see what 
information if any there is on the drive bodies about make, model etc.

-----Original Message-----
>From: John Gilpin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Oct 4, 2006 5:14 PM
>Subject: Re: [ql-users] QL NA show lost+found if you'll pardon the     
>expression:-) :-(
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "extdgl42" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "qlList_QL" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2006 9:13 PM
>Subject: [ql-users] QL NA show lost+found if you'll pardon the expression:-) 
>> Folk,
>> Did anybody find, in cleaning up the room after the show Saturday, a 
>> 10-outlet protected power source? I think Urs and I were the only ones 
>> using it earlier. Dark grey like so many computer gadgets. Can't find it 
>> anywhere in the car. It was plugged into the wall that was behind Tony's 
>> and Bill's tables. Don't remember if it got moved elsewhere after the show 
>> ended.
>> Thanks,
>> Doug L. 37830 USA
>> Thanks to everyone in general, and also to those who participated in our 
>> discussion of what is done or to be done for Internetting with a 
>> near-original QL.
>Now, this would make an interesting article (or series of articles) for 
>Quanta Magazine - reporting ideas, requirements, technical observations, etc 
>with perhaps a progress report as a follow-up in a later issue. I suspect 
>that there are plenty of USERS like me (with very little technical know-how) 
>who will need a blow-by-blow account of what is needed, hardware, software 
>etc and how much it's all likely to cost!!
>Any offers to write the article(s)??
>John Gilpin.
>QL-Users Mailing List

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