In message 
t>, extdgl42 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

>John et al,
>Very interesting idea. I would like to get something in QLT saying some 
>of us are trying to summarize, then move forward on, 'Netting for the 
>QL, as near original as possible w/o super extensive upgrades. I 
>suspect the deadline for a soon-to-be issue of QLT is past and any such 
>will have to wait a couple months for the next issue. (No, I don't 100% 
>know what I'm doing/have done in volunteering to head up such an 
>idea--would I be doing this if I really _knew_ what I was getting 
>myself into?).
>This could be what amounts to a regular QLT "department", with 
>differing contributors from time to time.
>And I suspect there are numerous QLers out there who do not use their 
>QLs for much 'Netting and rely on post/snail mail for many things--such 
>as the printed QLT. Notification by paper might produce results amongst 
>lurking QLers that other efforts have not.
>Mm-hmm, I'm aware that large efforts have already been expended and 
>milestones have been reached--e.g. Johnathon Dent's SoQL and Phoebus' 
>three-part series of articles. However, I don't think anyone really 
>_knows_ we can't go further, and can't draw old devotees and draw 
>lurkers back to or closer to renewed QL involvement. Some folk at the 
>QL NA show were saying lack of modern abilities such as Internet or at 
>least email (which Johnathon's SoQL addresses) is one of the main 
>stumbling blocks to having some old-line QLers using their QL for much.
>Hmm, looks like John is thinking of Quanta and I'm thinking of QLT, but 
>ultimately that should not be a handicap.
>QL Forever,
>Doug 37830 USA

It will be interesting to read about how to get a fairly basic QL on to 
the internet.  Good luck with your developments.

Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

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