I'm sure this subject has been covered before but here we go.

I've just connected (with a degree of success) a 15 inch TFT monitor
with resolution 1024x768 to my Aurora MinisQL. As expected, results in
anything other than 1024x768 aren't anything to write home about as
the poor monitor tries its best to scale the picture to suit whatever
other resolution the Aurora throws at it, often failing miserably.

I could only get the Aurora to use 1024x768 by selecting its monitor
selection jumpers to multisynch (I presume this is normal).

Obviously, only 4:3 aspect ratios like 512x384, 768x576, 800x600 and 
1024x768 work on the LCD with any degree of normality
(normal for most LCD screens). Throwing a 2:1 aspect ratio (e.g. 
640x320 or
512x256 or 1024x512) seriously screws up picture clarity and even ends
up with part of the display outside the visible screen or 1/3 of the 
screen blank.

The monitor has an Auto Adjust facility and this is where I run into
some problems that I hope someone will be able to help me explain
what's going on.

When I first switch on, despite the Aurora being in 1024x768
(confirmed with PRINT SCR_XLIM and PRINT SCR_YLIM to ensure it doesn't
go into 1024x576 as it does in default interlace disabled setting)
part of the picture falls off the visible screen. Hitting uto adjust
on the monitor does a valiant attempt at correcting things, then it
slides back off screen again. BUT, and here is where I can't
understand what's happening, if I do WINDOW
#0,SCR_XLIM,SCR_YLIM,0,0:BORDER #0,1,255 and hit Auto Adjust again,
suddenly the picture displayed is correct - the full screen is visible
and the border falls neatly at screen edges. If part of the display
was black (as it is when you start up, with the windows being like
WMON 4), the Auto Adjust seems to fail.

Anyone know how Auto Adjust works? Does it sense non-black limits on a
picture or something? I expected that configuring SMSQE to start up in
1024x768 (or 512x384 for that matter) would enable it to just work
normally as that's the monitor's own resolution, but there seems to be
a picture-dependent something going on which I can't figure out. HELP!

The monitor is a cheap little Relisys TL565B from eBuyer which is 
mostly black with a light grey front panel and small stereo speakers 
with volume control which work with the Aurora beeper, great value at 
£79+VAT, good picture quality and ideal if like me you have restricted 
desktop space, it's also handy with the Aurora since that can't go 
beyond 1024x768, and LCDs give best pictures at their own resolution, 
which for a 17" might be 1280xsomething. Next idea in mind (not tried 
yet) is to try to work out how to feed the Aurora video out into the 
video input on my P*'s TV tuner card so I can see its output without 
using a VGA switchbox between the P* and Aurora.

Dilwyn Jones

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