Dilwyn Jones writes:

> And as for the cover disk, I guess only someone like Per Witte could
> have come up with a name like POX for a program ;-)

Now now, Dilwyn. What you cannot possible know is the amount of restraint I 
have excercised over the years, what with my Syntax EXplorer and FineART 
programs (never fininshed, mercifully) and a few others, I think Im doing 
rather well. At least there is a bit of concious humour there, unlike M$'s 
WinCE, which sounds more like a Freudian slip.

> Which reminds me - at work we have a new name for visiting senior
> management. Seagulls. They fly in unanounced, make a lot of noise and
> drop piles of poo on you when you least expect it.

Now theres a bit of inspired nomenclature! I suppose every walk of life has 
its own Seagulls. In my case its my governors. Last week they were all over 
the place, like something out of Hitchcock. Im still scraping up the mess. A 
pox on the lot of them!

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