In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 

>> Maybe I just live in the centre of the universe ... London ..... :-)
>Sorry Malcolm, I can't resist, I have to do it ......
>London only *thinks* it is the centre of the Universe !  (GD&R)

Trust you to spot it  ..... it was meant to "lure" northerners in to a 
debate ... :-)

>Technically speaking, our very small and insignificant bit of the 
>universe is somewhat in the suburbs and our little bit of it is in the 
>suburbs of that. (Suburbs squared (or the recirpical of same) ?)
>However, as far as I know, our place is the only place where the QL 
>exists - whihc is a good thing.

Indeed, "QL Space" is the centre of this universe .....

Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

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